Benedictines Makkiyad Welcomes You

St. Joseph’s Benedictine Monastery is a Conventual Priory of the Order of St. Benedict of Montefano, known as the Sylvestrines, founded by St. Sylvester Guzzolini(1177-1267).The mother house of this monastic congregation is located in Montefano, Fabriano, Italy, a place of historical importance in the annals of the Order. It is noteworthy that in 1248 the Holy See granted official recognition to this Congregation, thus consolidating its place within the wider Catholic Church..

Nestled in the picturesque hill district of Wayanad, on the north-eastern edge of the state of Kerala, India, St Joseph's Benedictine Monastery was founded in 1962. This serene retreat is strategically located at an elevation of approximately 700 to 2100 metres above sea level, offering a sublime setting amidst the mountains of the Western Ghats. Known as one of the most enchanting hill stations in the state of Kerala, India, this monastery offers a contemplative retreat amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Western Ghats..

The Order of St Benedict of Montefano, now recognised as the Sylvestrine-Benedictines or simply the Sylvestrines, has a special status as a member congregation within the wider framework of the Order of St Benedict (Ordo Sancti Benedicti) . This venerable Order is an integral part of the Benedictine Confederation, a network of monastic communities that adhere to the Rule of St Benedict. Adherence to the Rule serves as a unifying force among Benedictine communities worldwide, fostering a common commitment to the principles of prayer, work and community life.

As the custodian of the Sylvestrine tradition, St Joseph's Benedictine Monastery Makkiyad in Wayanad embodies the rich spiritual heritage and disciplined way of life prescribed by St Benedict. The monastery stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of St Sylvester Guzzolini and the wider Benedictine heritage, providing a haven for prayer, reflection and community life amidst the verdant hills of Wayanad. 

Message From Conventual Prior

Celebrating the Legacy of St. Benedict: A Message from the Conventual Prior

My Dear Confreres,

I would like to extend my warmest greetings to you all on the occasion of the Solemnity of St. Benedict, our Holy Father, from Fr. Vincent Korandiarkunnel OSB.

St. Benedict was a person profoundly influenced by the teachings of Christ, with a strong personal connection to the figure of Jesus. He postulated that the key to living a rich, full and meaningful life lies in maintaining a firm focus on Christ. He encourages those who adhere to his teachings to dedicate their entire beings to Christ. In the Prologue, St. Benedict exhorts us to engage in the spiritual struggle for the true King, Christ the Lord (Pro. 3). He reminds us that, in all good works, we should pray earnestly for perfection (Pro. 4). St. Benedict placed great importance on prayer, stating that it should be the primary focus of our lives (RB 43:3). His words gently encourage us to deepen our commitment, to place our faith and trust in Christ, to seek His guidance and strength in all that we do. St. Benedict's teachings resonate with our hearts, reminding us that when we offer our lives to Christ and prioritise our connection with Him through prayer, we can find true purpose and fulfilment. Let us be inspired by St. Benedict’s example to live lives centred on Christ, dedicating ourselves to the transformative power of prayer and faith.

We are also called to be people who experience the love of Christ in our lives.  Pope Francis says something really lovely: “Consecrated life is an encounter with Christ” (The Joy of the Gospel, no. 3). Pope Francis says, someone once said… I went on writing books on Christology, but never found the time to seek God. The heart of the matter is whether we've truly met Jesus and whether we've formed a personal bond with him. The Samaritan woman at Jacob's well was so touched by Jesus' kindness in sharing some secrets of her life that she was instantly convinced he was the one.  She couldn't wait to tell the others about Jesus, and they believed in Him on the strength of the woman's testimony.  They’d heard about Jesus, but they still felt something was missing.  They went to meet Jesus and then, finally, said to the Samaritan woman: “Now we no longer believe because of what you told us; we have heard Him ourselves and we know that He really is the Saviour of the world” (Jn. 4:42). When St. Paul had a Christ-experience, he was converted from persecuting the followers of Jesus into preaching Jesus. He was so moved by this experience that he could say: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). Jesus should be the centre of our lives, don't you think? St. Paul says: “Life to me is Christ” (Philippians 1:21). Wouldn't it be wonderful if every Christian could say that? “Life to me is Christ.” May this festal celebration be a moment of renewal and grace for all of us.

With heartfelt blessings, Fr. Vincent Korandiarkunnel OSB

Conventual Prior

Our Monastery

St. Joseph's Benedictine Monastery at Makkiyad belongs to the Sylvestrine Congregation, a monastic reform movement in the Benedicitne monastic world that took place in the eastern-central Italy

Founded in the year 1973 in the Arch Diocese of Bangalore, Karnataka State, Vanashram is a dependent house of St. Joseph's Benedictine Monastery, Makkiyad.

Founded in the year 1982 in the Diocese of Gwalior, in the State of Madhya Pradesh, JeevanJyothi Ashram was a dependent house of St. Joseph's Benedictine Monastery, Makkiyad.

Founded in the year 1992 in the Diocese of Kannur, Kerala State, Benhill Benedictine Monastery is a dependent house of St. Joseph's Benedictine Monastery, Makkiyad.

Founded in the year 1999 in the Diocese of Dibrugarh, in the North Easter State of Assam, AshirsadanBenedicitne Monastery is a dependent house of St. Joseph's Benedictine Monastery

Founded in the year 1987 in the Diocese of Vijayawada, in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Navajeevan Benedictine Monastery was a dependent house and a foundation of St. Joseph's Benedictine Monastery.

Todays Message
“Idleness is the enemy of the soul; and therefore the brethren ought to be employed in manual labor at certain times, at others, in devout reading.” The Rule of Saint Benedict Weapon against the temptations of the evil one
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