

Patterns(Boxed Version)


St. Joseph's Institute of Philosophy

St. Joseph's Institute of Philosophy

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All through history, Benedictine Monasteries have been known to be centres of spiritual enrichment and intellectual pursuit. With this in mind, we established in the year 1965, with the permission of the Holy See, our institute of philosophy for the philosophical training of our clerical students. Due to constant request from other religious congregations and dioceses we opened our institute for clerical students from outside, and the result has been very positive. The institute offers graduate programme in philosophy which prepares the clerical students for their study of the bachelor of theology. The course is for a period of three years with both Indian and Western philosophies as main subjects and English Literature and Psychology as subsidiary subjects. During their study at our institute, the students register also for a bachelor degree from a secular university as private students and obtain a degree by the time they finish their course in philosophy.

The students stay along with the monks in the same community, taking part in the main stream of the community. Since we aim at the holistic formation of the students, and not merely intellectual training, we provide the opportunities for exposure, pastoral ministry and various other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

The minimum academic qualification for admission to this programme of studies at our institute is PDC/PUC/Higher Secondary.