

Patterns(Boxed Version)


Message From the Conventual Prior

Message From the Conventual Prior


Welcome to our cyberspace - "Benedictines Makkiyad" 

Once more, we embrace the profound joy and tranquility that accompany our celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Through the divine orchestration of His suffering, death, and triumphant return, God draws intimately near to us in our moments of affliction, shattering the shackles of sin, death, and all forms of darkness. In Christ, God incarnate, we encounter not a distant deity, but a compassionate companion who intimately understands and shares in the frailties of our humanity.

Easter morning unveils the profound truth of a God who walks alongside us in the mundane realities of life, continuously pouring out boundless love upon humanity. Reflecting on the Gospel narrative, we witness the astonishment of the three women approaching the tomb, burdened by the weight of a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Yet, upon their arrival, they discover the stone has already been rolled away. It prompts us to ponder: Have we allowed barriers to obstruct our encounter with the resurrected Jesus? Regardless of our circumstances, when we approach Him with hearts akin to those women, the Risen Lord unfailingly removes every hindrance.

Let us trust unwaveringly in the transformative power of the Risen Lord. Jesus dismantles the barriers of despair, fear, uncertainty, grief, and even death itself. We are encouraged to identify the stones obstructing our journey and entrust them to Jesus, allowing His glorious presence to illuminate our lives. May our hearts resonate with the Spirit of Easter; overflowing with joy, peace and love.

Wishing you all the abundant Peace and Joy of Easter!

With heartfelt blessings, Fr. Vincent Korandiarkunnel OSB

Conventual Prior